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Integrated transport services
Our own fleet of trucks provides integrated, prompt and professional transport services throughout Europe.
Our larger-than-average fleet provides prompt and professional transport services throughout Europe. Cric Trans offers specialised transport services between Romania and Italy.
Goods grouping and degrouping services
To complete the cross-docking services, itemized picking and packing makes it possible to deliver the goods directly to the end-customers, according to their requirements.
Our ability to offer cross-docking services to our clients enables them to make significant savings on storage costs, shortens the delivery time and minimizes risks.
What our customers say
Crictrans is our trusted partner! It is a valuable company with whom we have completed many contracts and safely delivered our clients’ goods.
Crictrans intelege perfect nevoile companiei noastre in materie de transporturi. Sunt partenerii nostri alaturi de care livram in singuranta si cu rapiditate. Cristian Erdei este un foarte bun partener de business! Ne bucuram ca am gasit in Romania o companie de transport foarte buna.
Normele germane de calitate si seriozitate sunt standarde de la care pornim in alegerea unui partener pentru transporturile noastre. Crictrans este ca un ceas elvetian din acest punct de vedere.
Romstal are o retea de magazine foarte extinsa. Avem nevoie de parteneri cu care sa asiguram logistica rapida si performanta pentru produsele noastre. Crictrans este un partener cu care reusim sa ne atingem obiectivele logistice.